Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Wensday

Besides my truck seizing up on my going down Alcoa highway (motor stoped. no power assisted steering, brakes, the entire shebang)

Its been a decent day.

Great session at the park tonight. Its kinda nice riding there again seeing as we have kinda been avoiding it.

Something bummed me out a bit but thats resolved now and im over it. Its dandy.

Camera tomorrow! Yey!

Its late, I have to be up in the morning, i miss my loverly, and I keep hitting the tab button instead of enter. Im sleepy.

Gooday and Goodnight

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Feeling alot with a little to say

Damn Black and Milds. I quit cigs just to pick up cigars 3 months later. Fuck....

New job going fantastic, yet very stressful.

Love the money though.

I love the fact that I honestly have more than I know what to do with.

Actualy, Ive been looking at land with my mom.

I kinda wanna build a house.

Thought I might be getting engaged soon but I think I might hold it off for awhile longer.

Personal issues of course.

I need to buy some more blue jeans.

Got new shoes. Vans TNT II

I am about to buy another car. Might go this saturday actualy to pick it up. Im not sure yet.

Bonaroo coming up soon. We have the tickets but I am still unprepared to the fullist. Need to get on that. Our first trip out of town by ourselves, and for a full week too.

(driving to nashville that sunday night and chilling out there until bonaroo starts on like wensday? or was it thursday?)

Tim's 21st birthday trail jam today. Should be exciting.

Camera soon too because Im getting very sick of not posting pictures.

Somethings are bothering me that shouldnt be still. Its been way to long and way to much has happened since. I hate it. Kinda hate myself for it. It shouldnt bother me at all. This is stupid.

-over and out
Adam Haynes